
Higher Octave Living Series

JOIN US one Saturday per month on Zoom to boost your higher octave life.

Higher Octave Living Series is an online four month series with once monthly gatherings offered  as one of our Being Human Life programs. Join us for 90 minutes of amazing intuitive conversation and mind-body-spirit practice. We utilize this format:

  • Opening meditation
  • Brief all group check-in
  • Teaching and transmission by Michele and Nina
  • Small group (2-3 people) break out rooms for deeper discussion
  • All group spiritual and energetic practice
  • Closing check out

We are zoom meeting Saturday mornings 10:30-Noon CST                  

February 18: What is higher octave living?
March 25: Where are we releasing that which no longer serves?
April 22: How are we navigating the rapid transformation into the new era?                                                                                                              May 13: How do we access all realms of our multidimensional self?